Saturday, April 23, 2011

Egg Drop Saturday

Today the church I attend Bay Community Church ( through this huge easter egg party. Over 4000 people came out to the USS Battleship Park to eat free Chick-fil-a, face painting, pony rides and of course egg hunting. The church dropped the eggs from a helicopter. Here are a few of the images I captured today. Check out my facebook page for all the wonderful images (  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday's Image of the Day

My favorite season is Spring.  I love the colors in this image. I captured this image with my I Phone 3GS.
I encourage you to capture a image a day, no matter what it is.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Finish this....

Happy Monday to ya.
I have been reviewing my creative live videos from ( Jasmine Star: Building your Wedding Business. Watching these videos has changed my perspective on my brand and business. While watching a clip of it Jasmine Star invited Chase Jarvis to speak. He is a Commercial Photographer. ( On his blog today he posted a question that I believe every photographer or artist, writer should ask them selves:
 My pictures would be better if ________________.
My answer would be if I spent more time practicing daily. To continue a daily image project.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photography Community

I have been taking some photography classes at University of South Alabama. It has opened so many great doors especially with a community of fellow photographers. I have had the chance to spend some time with my new friend and fellow photographer Kathleen Clipper. Check out her work We had a chance this past Wednesday to have fun afternoon of shooting on location. We photographed each other and our surroundings. It was so much fun to shoot and chat about the shots we were taking. It is great to build a community around what you enjoy most doing. Together you can make it better. Enjoy! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Green Family Spring Images

I had so much fun running around with this family on there "garden farm" The grandfather bought 80 acres   a long time ago and started planting Azaleas. He doesn't hunt or fish just loves taking care of his garden. On 2 weeks out of the year his azaleas bloom in the riches of reds, pinks, purples and even white. Here are a few of the sweet images I captured that day. Enjoy. Happy Sunday.