Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall is here.

For the month of October $50 Session
Includes 10 Fall images on a Edited image CD with Copyright.
Happy Fall

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Eastern Shore Art Center Art Show

A few of my Images from Honduras are at the Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope Alabama the month of September. Go check them out if you can.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Back in Mobile

Happy 4th of July to Everyone! Michael and I have moved back to Mobile from Honduras. It was a wonderful adventure. I had wonderful opportunities to photograph Honduras. Check out Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope Alabama for some of my images of Honduras. The show will take place the month of September 2010. Email or call me if you need images.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day by Day

Typical living environment for villagers of the Rio Congreal, Honduras.

Monday, March 22, 2010

New Beginnings

A new year in Honduras. I am enjoying my stay. I am getting the opportunity to photograph a lot of beautiful things.  Here are a few of my recent photos. Enjoy.